Does John Mulaney's Business Model Work?
Credit: Netflix

Does John Mulaney's Business Model Work?

Dave Anthony, who I’ve worked with at Content Marketing Institute and now The Tilt for well over a decade, sent me a link to a video with John Mulaney on Hot Ones. If you are not familiar, Hot Ones is the celebrity wing-eating show where they ramp up the different levels of heat in the wings.

And if you are not familiar with John Mulaney, I can’t help you. No seriously…our kids turned us on to John years ago. Super funny comedian.

At the end of Hot Ones, John is making a pitch to watch his Netflix Special, Baby J. Our family saw it live in Cleveland, Ohio before it was on Netflix. I recommend it. Mostly safe for work (I think). Anyway, while he’s asking people to watch it, he says.

“I hope you check it out, because that means it will get streaming ratings that I will never get any information on.”

So funny and true. John took the check and Netflix keeps the data. Nothing wrong with this. Right now, that’s the world comedians like John live in. We don’t know how much Mulaney made on the special, but reports are about $3 million plus.

Now let’s pair Mulaney with Fereed Zakaria. Zakaria is a global political journalist for CNN. If you travel the world, you’ll see him on most screens in airports. In this video, Prof G and Zakaria are mostly talking about the conflict in Israel. At the 40-minute mark, Prof G asks him about his own personal career ambitions and business model outside of CNN. He says this [edited]:

“I want a place where I can have maximum impact, not the place where I can make the most money. If I have to choose, I want an open platform that anyone can access versus a closed platform where you have to subscribe to me, because then I’m only getting my groupies…my fans…”

My point is, here are two creators making the decision for maximum impact (I think this is true in Mulaney’s case) instead of maximum revenue and access to customer data.

Let’s look at a similar case for a comedian. Louis CK, before he got into all that trouble, sold his standup special “Live at the Beacon” direct to consumers in 2011. From reports, he sold enough $5 tickets for this to generate over a million dollars in 10 days and then over $5 million a month later.

Let’s take the $5 million number for a second.

Divide $5 dollars into that and you have one million people. So, Louis CK makes, theoretically, more money than Mulaney on this one special, but to significantly less people. Mulaney’s special was the number one show on Netflix for weeks. Netflix has over 200 million subscribers. The special was most likely watched by more than 10 million people.

This is perfect for Mulaney. He can use that reach to build more fans and then sell tickets to more shows.

But for Louis CK, he has customer data of 1 million people. He can build an entire content business around that data.

It’s two very different content business models. Both are good. I believe the better model is Louis CK’s. BUT, your goal may not be to create the best long-term business model where you need customer data to survive and thrive. If your goal is, as in Zakaria’s, maximum impact, you need to sacrifice the control, the data, and maybe the money.

The reason I broke this down for you is that you can make a choice as a content entrepreneur. I know a ton of content creators who are blasting out on every platform for maximum impact. While they are getting speaking gigs and thousands of views, they sometimes struggle with the business model.

I also know a ton of content entrepreneurs who target specific groups with specific offers, sell things directly, have spreadsheets of customer data and create a repeatable business model that works. In many cases, they aren’t as well known as the former, but they don’t worry as much about their financial future.

So my question is, which one is yours?

Please Buy Me a Horse

Our next big Orange Effect Foundation fundraiser, A Night at the Races, is November 3rd.

I need to sell 38 horse names in the next week. Each horse name is $20 and goes directly to children who need speech therapy and cannot afford it.

Just click on this link and go to the lower left-hand page to “name a horse”.

The No-Click Social Strategy

Social traffic to websites has dropped off a cliff (see below).

credit: Axios

Of course, this has been happening for a while, but it’s so much more pronounced. In just three years, traffic from social sites to media brands have gone from 120 million clicks to 20 million on Facebook, and from 60 to 20 million on X.

Because of this, there is the start of a movement going on. I can't quite put my finger on it, but it's a serious move away from big tech. Basically, how can creators and content marketers survive and thrive WITHOUT relying on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, X, TikTok and Amazon?

There is no perfect answer (yet), but the successful content creator of the future seems to have:

- A robust and growing email newsletter

- A podcast that keeps fans loyal and wanting more

- A website where products are sold directly and not through third-party sites

- A few key partnerships with brands who are willing to support the creator with multiple projects.

Now, I believe in this with all my heart…but…there is still an opportunity to leverage social, without links. The business model for Threads, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and X is to keep you on their site. If you leave consistent, compelling thoughts on these platforms without linking to anything, you will be rewarded with viewership. If you link to ANYTHING, you will be punished with literally no visibility.

So, in order to make X, LinkedIn and Threads work for me, I’m vowing NOT to link to anything for the time being (this newsletter doesn't count). I’ve been testing some of this out on X. If I post a couple thoughts that get some traction, but then post something with a link, everything gets knocked down. The longer we can go without linking to something, the more visibility you will have.

That’s the game we must play. You probably already knew it.

I was under the impression that you could insert a link here and there and it wouldn’t hurt your personal algorithm. I now believe I was wrong about that.


- A robust and growing email newsletter

- A podcast that keeps fans loyal and wanting more

- A website where products are sold directly and not through third-party sites

- A few key partnerships with brands who are willing to support the creator with multiple projects.


Those four are the key to your business model…but social can play a role…but you must play by their rules…and that’s the no-link social strategy.

I’ll continue to play this out and report back in a month or so.

Thanks for reading The Random Newsletter by Joe Pulizzi, sent every two weeks on Monday. If you'd like to get a free look at my new book AND receive this newsletter four days earlier sign up here.

"If you have tried something and failed, you are vastly better off than if you had tried nothing and succeeded." - back of a sugar packet


Tod McCloskey

The Association Whisperer: Listening to challenges, finding solutions


Just watched Moneyball again today on a plane, such a great movie. And then just read this article. Both are wonderful examples of believing in your own unique process, maybe despite what the rest of the world thinks.

Tim Ellis

Writing about trends in marketing, tech, digital and self-improvement.


love a bit of 3rd person action

Barbara Soifer

Global Marketing Director & Brand Strategist | Integrated Marketing | Product Marketing | Content Marketing | Digital Marketing | Market Research | Fractional CMO | Swiss Army Knife of Marketing


Joe - Great comparison and illustration of the models. How does the no links content performance model do with putting the link in the comments, In your experience does this also drive down viewership? I'm working with a client where we're trying to increase exposure and followers and having some frustration.

Annie Schiffmann

Content marketing never ends. I give businesses the strategies they need to create and automate content so they can have a consistent presence that gets results. My book, Simple Social Media is available now.


So… if you were advising Louis CK today. What would you recommend he do at this point with all of those contacts? Has enough dust settled for him to try something new and connect with them again? (Maybe he is, I dunno.)

Eric Papczun

We supercharge manufacturing brands w/ customer engagement and growth strategies & execution / Handhold or fill gaps


Thanks Joe Pulizzi. This insight is right on target. I think you're right that both models can work but one is definitely the better way to go if you're willing to do the extra work.

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