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Your digital marketing has one purpose: Get people to choose you. It’s why we say that in digital, “it’s all e-commerce.” Whether you’re using search, social, or mobile, you need to attract traffic, gain customer trust, and engage your audience to drive leads, revenues, and profits. All of our digital marketing consulting services build on that idea to put the web to work for you.

Digital Marketing Consulting
Built to Deliver

Sure, you have a website. And you’re probably spending valuable time and money on Internet marketing in its many forms — SEO and social networks, Google Ads and Analytics, email and e-commerce. You want to drive awareness and interest for your products and services. But, if you’re like many businesses, you have questions: Are we doing the right things? Are these tactics and techniques really working? Do they deliver the results we need?

At Tim Peter & Associates, we help you answer those questions. You want to build a brand and business that engages your customers. And that requires solid strategy and effective execution, the knowledge and the people to get the job done right. Our digital marketing consulting services deliver the people, the process, and the platform to help you achieve your business goals.

What do clients say about Tim Peter & Associates?

“Tim Peter & Associates have been an invaluable asset in developing new Internet marketing plans to make us the leader in our space. Tim has become our ‘go-to guy’ to answer our questions, solve our problems, and train our staff as we seek to lead our competition in this new, changing environment.”

– Rick Widman, President, Charming Inns of Charleston

Internet Marketing &
E-commerce Consulting Services

Whether you call it Internet marketing, online, digital, or e-marketing, most businesses want to answer three questions about their marketing and e-commerce activities today:

  1. Are we doing the right things to find, attract, and engage potential customers online?
  2. Are we doing those things correctly?
  3. How do we know that our efforts really work?

Our team has worked with dozens of businesses to establish proven methods of answering those questions for you. Our work has helped Fortune 100 titans, SMBs, and rising start-ups improve their strategy and execution, all with a focus on bottom-line results.

What do we do?

E-commerce & Digital
Marketing Consulting Services

Is your team doing the right things to find, attract, and engage potential customers? Do you have a clear sense of what’s needed to reach your objectives in a challenging and continually evolving marketplace? Today’s business environment requires companies to have well-defined objectives, solid strategies, and an appropriate approach to achieve those objectives.

Tim Peter & Associates offers strategic digital marketing consulting services to help you and your team develop the plans you’ll need to survive and thrive in a constantly shifting marketplace, including:

Internet, Digital and Mobile Marketing Strategy

Your customers spend hours, days, and even weeks and visit dozens of sites prior to making a purchase. Why? Because they have questions and concerns about what will help them meet their needs. Questions and concerns your content needs to answer before they’ll choose what to buy and from whom. Your content serves as a salesperson, helping your customers make the right decision to meet their needs. Do you have the right content to help your customers choose you, your products and your services? Is your content designed to attract customers, search engines, and inbound links alike? Does your content improve your search engine optimization (SEO) and your business results? Contact us today to discuss how we can help you develop the right content to attract customers and search engines to choose your brand, every time. In addition, we can help you with:

    • Content Marketing Frameworks and Custom Content Development. Search and social represent relentless beasts, continually hungry for more information and insights. How can businesses feed the beast? Tim Peter & Associates has created a content development framework our clients use to plan and execute their content strategy efficiently and effectively, all with an eye towards attracting customers, links and “Likes,” boosting your brand across both search and social channels. We also offer an on-demand team of experienced content creators and curators who can help you tell your brand’s story. Our content authors approach that story. We have also developed custom white papers and longer-form content in support of lead generation. Do you want to tame the content beast? Let’s talk about how we can help you.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)/Search Engine Marketing/Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC).

Does it sometimes seem like Google is your most important customer? Do terms like Panda, Penguin, and Hummingbird haunt your dreams? Your team likely spends many hours focused on improving your rankings and results, your keywords, quality scores and costs-per-click. We take a holistic approach to search, applying years of organic and paid search marketing experience to drive down the cost of search engine traffic, lift the volume of that traffic, and increase your business results. Give us a call and let’s talk about how to make Google and Bing work for you, not the other way around.

E-Commerce Strategy

Ultimately, your customers’ journey leads to a purchase decision. Even more importantly, their purchase path should lead to you. It doesn’t matter if you’re a business-to-business (B2B) or business-to-consumer (B2C) enterprise; you depend on customers choosing you at the end of their journey. You need customers to engage with your website and/or third-party sales channels to achieve your business results. Are customers able to browse, shop, and buy where they want, when they want, and how they want? Do your online sales channels deliver customer value and profitable sales? And, most importantly, are you able to deepen your customer relationships so they’ll choose you for their future purchases? Call us today at 201-305-0055 to learn how we can help you deliver improved sales, enhanced customer experiences, and increased profits for your business.

Website Optimization/Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Your website works to sell your brand and your business to customers. But is it doing its job? Does your website make it easy for customers to accomplish their goals-and help you achieve yours? Tim Peter & Associates combines web analytics, heuristic evaluation, and A/B testing/multivariate testing (MVT) to find the appropriate parts of your site to fix, constructs coherent testing plans, and works with you and your web development team to help you execute that plan to improve conversion rates, revenues, and profits. Interested in learning more? Contact us today to talk about how we can help you.

Internet Marketing and E-commerce Custom-Tailored Training

Your team ultimately plays the biggest role in your long-term success. And many businesses prefer to have necessary Internet marketing and e-commerce skills in-house. Want to improve your team’s knowledge, skills, and attitudes and drive improved execution? Our certified instructional designers have developed targeted training modules custom-tailored to incorporate your company’s strategies, tactics, and metrics as part of the course materials. These world-class training methods and accompanying just-in-time job aids will reinforce your team’s learnings and help them apply those learnings to your business right away.

E-commerce & Internet
Marketing Measurement

So, what works online? What are your most effective sales and marketing channels? What creates awareness among your customers, attracts their interest, stokes their desire, and drives your customers to act?

More than a decade into the e-commerce and Internet marketing revolution, it’s striking how often companies struggle to answer these fundamental questions.

Do you struggle with these questions? We can help.

With over 20 years experience in building, analyzing, and managing web analytics and reporting systems, we’ve developed a time-tested framework to help your business analyze, anticipate and adapt to your customers’ changing behaviors across the social, local, mobile web. Here’s how:

  • The MASTT Measurement Framework. The MASTT Measurement Framework represents Tim Peter & Associates’ proprietary system for evaluating business results online. Our process interprets your web analytics and reporting system data to provide your team the key, measurable actions needed to drive business results.
  • MASTT Reporting Dashboards. Your team shouldn’t waste their valuable time digging through reports from myriad reporting systems before they can determine what’s most important to your business. Building on the Tim Peter & Associates’ industry-leading MASTT Measurement Framework, MASTT Reporting Dashboards provide your team the information they need, at a glance, to move your business forward. MASTT Reporting Dashboards organize your key metrics in a simple, clear format and focus your team’s efforts on the right numbers, right away.

Digital Marketing

Want to learn more?

Give us a call at 201-305-0055 or drop us a line to discuss how we can help you improve your time to market and execute more effectively.

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