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MidJourney generated illustration of three runners in a race to represent the idea of Google trying to win the AI economy
Will Marketers Bet that Google Wins the AI Economy? (Thinks Out Loud Episode 433)
Artificial Intelligence (AI), E-commerce, Google, Marketing, Podcast, Search, Strategy

Will Marketers Bet that Google Wins the AI Economy? (Thinks Out Loud Episode 433)

Google faces enormous threats to its business. New entrants using artificial intelligence may provide a better search experience for their customers. Those same new entrants are also competing for Google’s…

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MidJourney created image of robot in 1970s rock band to illustrate AI making music and marketing worse and better
Is AI Destined to Make Marketing — and Music — Worse? (Thinks Out Loud Episode 432)
Artificial Intelligence (AI), Marketing, Podcast, Strategy

Is AI Destined to Make Marketing — and Music — Worse? (Thinks Out Loud Episode 432)

Is AI destined to make content, music, art, and marketing worse? Almost certainly. Truly. It’s also almost certainly going to help many people create many great works that they had…

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Screenshot of Big Tech's stock prices on Google Finance to highlight Big Tech's market power
Building Plans for an Uncertain Future — Big Tech Earnings Q2 2024 (Thinks Out Loud Episode 431)
Artificial Intelligence (AI), E-commerce, Marketing, Podcast, Strategy

Building Plans for an Uncertain Future — Big Tech Earnings Q2 2024 (Thinks Out Loud Episode 431)

Building Plans for an Uncertain Future — Big Tech Earnings Q2 2024 (Thinks Out Loud Episode 431) Big Tech announced their earnings for Q2 2024 and, to be honest, not…

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MidJourney generated image of marketer overwhelmed by amount of work and number of marketing channels to illustrate the idea of trying to diversify her company's marketing mix.
Diversifying Your Marketing Mix When There’s Too Much to Do (Thinks Out Loud Episode 430)
Artificial Intelligence (AI), Digital Transformation, E-commerce, Leadership, Marketing, Podcast, Social Media, Strategy

Diversifying Your Marketing Mix When There’s Too Much to Do (Thinks Out Loud Episode 430)

We talk a lot on this show about diversifying away from Big Tech generally, and about diversifying away from Google, specifically. Which is great in theory. But it can be…

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