Innovation is overrated…
That's right. Overrated. It might be the most overrated topic in business today. Sure, you need to innovate. But a boatload of good ideas gain you nothing if your culture,…
That's right. Overrated. It might be the most overrated topic in business today. Sure, you need to innovate. But a boatload of good ideas gain you nothing if your culture,…
Anne and I debated information workers vs. web workers some time back (you can review Anne's side of the argument here and here and see my arguments here and here).…
I need to read Mike Moran more regularly. He's more than brilliant; he's useful. To me, we should all aspire to usefulness. As Garrison Keilor once said , "There are…
I don't mean in the figurative, "down with it" sense. I mean for real. When will the Web (1.0, 2.0, mobile, what-have-you) achieve dial tone-like availability levels? VOIP, in particular,…
I don't typically read Bob Lefsetz - though I should. You should, too. While he's writing about changing business models in the music industry specifically, his comments translate well to…